
Zhiwei Tu is one of the greatest masters of art in the world. He was the former president of Oil Painters of America (OPA).

Dancing While Playing Pi Pa

Title: Detail of Dancing While Playing Pi Pa

Artist: Zhiwei Tu

Oil on canvas

Dancing While Playing Pi Pa

Title: Dancing While Playing Pi Pa          Artist: Zhiwei Tu          Oil on canvas, 136" × 68"

Girl of South China

Title: Girl of South China

Artist: Zhiwei Tu

Oil on canvas, 24" × 36"

Outside of the Zhiwei Tu Art Museum

Outside of the Zhiwei Tu Art Museum

Inside of the Zhiwei Tu Art Museum

Inside of the Zhiwei Tu Art Museum

Inside of the Zhiwei Tu Art Museum

Inside of the Zhiwei Tu Art Museum

To learn more about Zhiwei Tu and his artwork, you can visit the Zhiwei Tu Art Museum.

Mian Situ is one of the greatest masters of painting historical China and America. He received many major awards for his artwork, including the Thomas Moran Memorial Award (in recognition of exceptional artistic merit), Artists’ Choice Award, Patrons’ Choice Award, and the OPA Award for Excellence for Master Signature Members.

The Golden Mountain

Title: The Golden Mountain

Artist: Mian Situ

Oil on canvas, 60" × 72"

Portrait of a Lady

Title: Portrait of a Lady

Artist: Mian Situ

Oil on canvas

Arrival of Gold Seekers

Title: Arrival of Gold Seekers

Artist: Mian Situ

Oil on canvas

To learn more about Mian Situ and his artwork, you can visit

Rosemarie Armstrong is a great Canadian artist and educator who works and resides in Ontario, Canada.

She has exhibited her artwork in many galleries and art exhibitions in Canada and the United States, including the NOAPS (National Oil and Acrylic Painters' Society) Best of America show. In May 2017, Rosemarie was awarded the ATIM Masters Award for her dedication to the arts and cultural exchange.

Rosemarie visits the West Coast every year to paint and discuss art with Uncle Zeng.


Title: Illumination

Artist: Rosemarie Armstrong

Oil on canvas

High Roller II

Title: High Roller II

Artist: Rosemarie Armstrong

Oil on canvas

To learn more about Rosemarie Armstrong and her artwork, you can visit

Alva Gao is a great watercolourist, designer and art teacher who lives and works in Toronto, Canada.


Title: Apples

Artist: Alva Gao

Watercolour on paper

To learn more about Alva Gao and her artwork, you can visit

Ai-wai Chaung is an internationally well-known portrait artist who had exhibited her artwork in many countries, such as China, the United States, Canada, and Italy. She has completed many commissioned works of famous figures, including presidents and prime ministers, from around the world.

Before the Festival

Title: Before the Festival

Artist: Ai-wai Chaung

Oil on canvas

Lady Painter

Title: Lady Painter

Artist: Ai-wai Chaung

Oil on canvas